Lucas Tyres

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Lucas Vintage Tyres

Lucas Vintage Tyres

Lucas Classic White Wall Tyres

  • Lucas supply the excellent range General classic white wall tyres.
  • The 6.00X16 General classic White Wall tyre has a 3.5” (89mm) white wall, ideal for many cars of the 1950s such as a Riley RM.
  • The 8.20X15 General white wall tyre has a 3.5” (89mm) and is perfect for the Classic Rolls Royce Silver Cloud if you want a white wall.

69 Items

69 Items

Q: Who makes the best value white wall tyres?

A: We are very happy with the quality of the Lucas classic whitewall tyres, and it is great news that the General range are often the cheapest whitewall tyres available for classic cars.

Q: What are the best tyres for a model T Ford?

A: We would suggest that the quantity of satisfied customers we have that use the genuine period Wards Riverside beaded edge tyres from Lucas Vintage tyres, is a great indicator that not only is the price right, but the quality is good too.

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