Rolls Royce 25-30 Tyres

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1938 Rolls Royce 25-30 Sports Saloon by Thrupp and Maberly

1938 Rolls Royce 25-30 Sports Saloon by Thrupp and Maberly

Rolls Royce 25 - 30 1936–1938

  • The Rolls Royce 25/30 drives really nicely with the 5.25/6.00 x 19 Michelin D.R.
  • A 25/30 Royce also works well with the 6.50 x 19 Custom Classic which is excellent value.
  • The Custom Classic has tall rounded side walls as it is a genuine 1930s balloon tyre. It will gives nice tall gearing and comfort.
  • Another popular tyre with these cars if you like a big tyre is the 6.50/7.00 x 19 Ensign B5.
  • 25-30 wheels require innertubes, and the reinforced Michelin 19/20H RET innertubes are the best fit for these tyres.
  • For a 25/30 our suggested tyre pressures would be between 34psi and 40psi depending on the body.

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    Rolls Royce 25-30 Recommended Tyres

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History of the Rolls Royce 25/30

The Rolls-Royce 25/30, produced between 1936 and 1938, is an improved version of the 20/25 with a bigger engine to offer more power, as over-large bodies were frequently attached to previous models, resulting in complaints about its performance. The in-line six-cylinder overhead valve engine is identical to that used in the 20/25 but has a larger capacity of 4257 cc. The Rolls-Royce carburettor was replaced by a single Stromberg downdraught carburettor, and magneto ignition was no longer used, however, a backup coil was provided. Third and top gears were outfitted with synchromesh.

The inflexible front and rear axles were still supported by half elliptic springs with hydraulic dampers. A mechanical servo assists with braking on all four wheels. For the handbrake, separate rear brakes are installed. Rolls-Royce only produced the chassis and mechanical elements. The body was constructed and installed by a coachbuilder chosen by the owner.

Rolls Royce 25/30 FAQ

Q: What tyres does the Rolls Royce 25/30 fit?

A: The 25/30 Rolls Royce is ideally suited to fitting the 525/600-19 Michelin Double Rivet. The ride of the Michelin and the grip in the wet makes it an ideal tyre for the 25/30. In some cases, people like a taller tyre on a 25/30 and the 650X19 Custom Classic by Lucas tyres offers that extra height and longer-legged cruising.

Q: What are the cheapest Rolls Royce 25/30 Tyres?

A: Lucas make a 6.50-19 Custom Classic which is a genuine 1930s tyre and is perfectly suited to a Rolls Royce 25/30. The price of the Custom Classis is remarkable, especially when you consider its quality. We would suggest it is the best value 25/30 tyre.

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