Borrani Wheels
Buy Borrani wheels online
This link will take you to the web site where you will have the option to search for the correct Ruote Borrani wheel for your classic car.
E-mail for a quote for Borrani wheels
Let us know what make model and year your classic car is and we will com back with the data you need about the best Ruote Borrani wheels for your automobile.

Longstone Tyres are the UK's official agent for Borrani wire wheels. We are also the only company in the UK who can arrange to have your Borrani wheels rebuilt by Ruote Borrani in Milan.
To buy your Borrani wire wheels and spinners quickly and easily online, please visit our dedicated Borrani website:
Important Information for Borrani Wheel Users
The complete Borrani archives include all the original projects and drawings for all standard cars, and for special cars equipped with Borrani wheels. This forms a crucial support to answer the wide range of requests from customers all over the world.
All Borrani wheels were developed in close collaboration with the related car makers as a complicated and sophisticated technical product. Borrani wheels in most cases were an integral part of the car's homologation and were also extensively tested as such.

Route Borrani Milano
All Borrani aluminium rims are identified by a stamped RW-code of four or five figures, the unique Ruote Borrani Milano stamping (there are several variations), and a stamped internal production number. These codes also apply to the hubs. All numeric codes correspond with Borrani technical and production documentation.
Borrani wheels cannot have the following characteristics:
- the use of stainless steel spokes
- the absence of the above-mentioned stampings
- the use of spokes of different diameters in the same wheel
- the use of wrong-angled spokes
- the use of non-matching components according to the RW-code of the wheel
The mounting of a non-original, modified or unprofessionally restored wire wheel on your car can pose serious risks and can cause you harm and damages. It can affect the original approvals and homologation, as well as the handling and safety of your vehicle.
Wire wheels offered on the international market as 'Borrani style wheels' or 'Borrani replacements' by other parties have absolutely nothing to do with the original Borrani products and are not certified or authorized in any way to replace original Borrani products.
'Borrani', 'Ruote Borrani Milano' and 'RuoteMilano' are registered trademarks.