Dunlop Racing Tyres

Dunlop Racing

Dunlop Racing Tyres Explained

  • To see the important specifications of these tyres click Dunlop Racing Tyre Dimensions.
  • Dunlop offer an extensive range of period Classic and Vintage Crossply racing tyres.
  • Vintage 5-Stud, R1 and R5 Dunlop racing tyres were roughly as tall as they are wide.
  • The R5 Dunlop Racing tyres for 16” wheels; 5-Stud and R1 for 18” and 19” wheels are road legal.
  • L section Dunlop Racing tyres are wider than they are tall with a wider tread.
  • Dunlop Racing M section tyres are wider again enabling them to be fitted to wider wheel rims.
  • Dunlops 5-Stud racing tyres; developed in 1934 to improve on the earlier 3-Stud which is only really suited to loose surfaces.
  • The R5 was developed in 1958 and considerably reduced the weight of the racing tyre.
  • Later the R6 which was also called the CR48.
  • In the 1965 Dunlop developed the R7 also called the CR65.
  • Dunlop Racing tyres are the MSA control tyre for historic racing.
  • Dunlop’s historic Racing tyres use their 204 compound, which has been developed to give progressive handling and longevity.

Racing Tyres

10" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
500L10 CR65 Dunlop Racing Dry (204) 498 165 120 3.5-5.5 TT
500L10 CR65 Dunlop Racing Wet (484) 498 165 120 3.5 - 5.5 TT
500L10 CR70 Dunlop Racing Dry 498 165 120 3.5 - 5.5 TT

12" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
450L12 CR65 Dunlop Racing 540 175 118 4 - 7 TT

13" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
450M13 CR65 Dunlop Racing 552 172 124 4 - 7.5 TL
450L13 CR65 Dunlop Racing 560 167 115 3.5 - 7 TT
525M13 CR65 Dunlop Racing 590 210 148 5 - 8 TL
550M13 CR65 Dunlop Racing 602 251 175 6 - 9 TL
550L13 CR65 Dunlop Racing 608 199 128 4 - 7 TT

14" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
550L14 CR65 Dunlop Racing 631 198 128 4 - 6.5 TT
550M14 CR65 Dunlop Racing 635 228 150 5.5 - 8 TL

15" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
450L15 CR48 (R6) Dunlop Racing 609 156 102 3.5 - 6 TT
450x15 R5 Dunlop Racing 610 142 90 3 - 4.5 TT
500x15 R5 Dunlop Racing 630 173 96 3 - 5 TT
500L15 CR65 Dunlop Racing 631 187 120 4 - 7 TT
550x15 R5 Dunlop Racing 655 180 107 3.5 - 5.5 TT
550L15 CR65 Dunlop Racing 659 204 128 4 - 7 TT
600x15 R5 Dunlop Racing 676 197 116 4 - 6 TT
600L15 CR65 Dunlop Racing 684 224 135 5 - 7.5 TT
650x15 R5 Dunlop Racing 696 214 124 4.5 - 6.5 TT
650L15 CR65 Dunlop Racing 706 239 142 5.5 - 8 TT
700L15 CR65 Dunlop Racing 706 259 162 6.0 - 9 TT

16" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
550x16 R5 Dunlop Racing 688 178 106 4.5 - 6 TT
600x16 R5 Dunlop Racing 708 198 121 4.5 - 6 TT
600L16 CR48 (R6) Dunlop Racing 708 201 122 5 - 7 TT
650L16 CR48 (R6) Dunlop Racing 729 227 130 5.5 - 7.5 TT
650x16 R5 Dunlop Racing 735 201 122 4.5 - 6.5 TT

17" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
700x17 R5 Dunlop Racing 767 210 114 5 - 7 TT

18" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
550/600x18 R1 Dunlop Racing 765 175 109 4 - 6.5 TT
700x18 R1 Dunlop Racing 815 224 137 5 - 7 TT

19" Rim Size

Click to View TreadDiameter
Section Width
Tread Width
Rim Width
450x19 3-Stud Ensign Racing 717 141 2.75-4.0 TT
500x19 5-Stud Dunlop Racing 753 157 93 3.5 - 5.5 TT
600x19 5-Stud Dunlop Racing 787 175 109 4 - 6 TT
700x19 R1 Dunlop Racing 837 224 130 4.5 - 6.5 TT

38 Items

38 Items

Dunlop Road Race Tyres

Racing tyres are normally designed purely for racing and no compromises are made for road suitability. However due to popular demand and in Dunlop's acknowledgement that many drivers of vintage and classic road legal race cars prefer to drive them to and from events on their racing tyres. Dunlop have carried out a complete test and development program on Dunlop Racing Tyres resulting in "E" marking accreditation on certain vintage and classic Dunlop Racing Tyres. These are the 16" & above Dunlop racing R5, R1, 3-stud & 5-stud pattern Dunlop Racing Tyres.

L and M section Dunlop Racing Tyres unfortunately are NOT road legal.

Dunlop Racing CR65 Tyre

Dunlop Racing CR65 Tyre

Dunlop Racing Tyres CR65

The Dunlop Racing CR65 is one of the "classic" vintage tyre racing patterns of all time. It was the tyre that virtually all of the British race car manufacturers and teams used in the '50s and 60's until the advent of slick tyres in later Grand Prix racing. Still made in the original vintage racing tyre moulds, but using modern compounds to produce the Dunlop Racing "204" compound.
The Dunlop Racing CR65 is built to compliment suspension and steering geometry of cars of this period.

Dunlop Racing CR48 Tyre

Dunlop Racing CR48 Tyre

Dunlop Racing Tyres CR48

Dunlop's Classic CR48 racing tyres are another of the classic racing patterns of the 1960's. These vintage racing tires are still made in the original tire moulds using Dunlop's 204 compound. Like the CR65 the Dunlop Racing CR48 is designed to compliment classic racing cars of this period.

Dunlop Racing Tyre Pressures

Dunlop Racing Tyres have no firm rules on pressures as classic and vintage car weights, rims and circuits do vary. However sufficient pressure must be used to avoid structural damage to the tyres. We suggest the starting point should be based on the car's original road going tyre pressures and subsequently adjusted to compensate for over and understeer found in many vintage and classic cars.

Dunlop are the MSA's Control Racing Tyres

Dunlop Race Tyres are the control tyres for many historic race series. This is because they are all made using Dunlop's "204" tyre compound. This is seen as a fair way of setting a level playing field as far as tyres go. Also Dunlop are committed to maintain an extensive range of racing tyres which should not increase in price more than inflation.

Dunlop Racing Tyre FAQ

Q: Are Dunlop Racing tyres eligible for historic racing?

A: Yes, often the Dunlop Racing tyres are the control tyres in a lot of race series. You should check with the series you are racing in as to which tyres are eliagable, some specify Dunlop Racing CR65 some L section and some M section.

Q: Are Dunlop Racing Tyres any good?

A: For historic racing in the dry they are fabulous and progressive. Because the Dunlop Racing tyres are control tyres they help level the playing field when there are cars racing that could be 10 years newer than their competitors.

Q: Are Dunlop Racing tyres road legal?

A: The Vintage Dunlop Racing Tyres for 18” and 19” wheels and pre war cars are all road legal. The classic Dunop Racing tyres are road legal in the R5 tread pattern:- 5.50-16, 6.00-16 & 6.50-16 are all road legal. The 16” L section tyres are not. 600L16 CR48 & 650L16 CR48 are not road legal. The 15”, 14” and 13” Dunlop Racing tyres are not road legal.

Q: Do Dunlop Racing Tyres need inner tubes?

A: Vintage Dunlop racing tyres for pre war cars all need inner tubes. Inner tubes should be fitted into any tyre that is fitted onto a wire wheel. The L section tyres can be ruin without inner tubes assuming the wheel is suited to being run tubeless. All M section tyres should be run without inner tubes.

Q: Where are Classic and Vintage Dunlop Racing tyres made?

A: Sadly the Dunlop Racing tyres are no longer made in Birmingham. They are now produced in Portugal. Dunlop no longer make any historic road tyres.

Q: When did Dunlop stop making classic racing tyres in the UK?

A: Sadly Dunlop stopped making any vintage tyres in t he UK in May 2014. Dunlop also no longer make any classic road tyres, or Vintage tyres for that matter. Dunlop do have the historic racing tyres made in Portugal, and some of those vintage racing tyres are road legal.

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