Classic Car Loan Project

Classic Car Loan Project

How would you know you liked driving a classic or vintage car unless you actually tried it? How would you know you enjoyed fettling a vintage or classic car unless you actually lived with and enjoyed one for a period of time? Well now there is an answer – The Classic Car Loan Project.

I got to know classic cars through poverty and cheap skating on cars in a way I call bangernomics when I was young and potless. And as a young kid I used to go to VSCC meetings with my Dad (where my brother got run over by a Lagonda in the ‘70s) I also grew up with my Dads dismantled Lagonda in the garage. But I started my fettling with the VW Beetle which was my first car, and carried on through a series of cars that had mechanical parts such as distributers and carburettors. A whole different ball game the black magic and voodoo underneath the bonnet of a modern car. So how would you learn about the workings of a car when it is so far beyond our comprehension; this is where the Classic Car Loan Project scheme comes into play.

Classic Car

Developed by Bob Wilkinson (who I know through Model A Ford fun), the principal being to allow people that would other wise have no way in to the world of Classic cars to borrow a car and enjoy it. and as it says on their web site “There are no hire or loan charges involved …. just look after the car as though it was your own”

Bob contacted me about this venture and asked me to help get some decent tyres onto a Model A Ford they were lending to a Young man, and Longstone Classic Tyres have been involved ever since.

The cars that are being lent out in 2019 are: This a great venture for the future of classic and vintage cars. To trust young people to borrow an old car without having to make a personal investment is a great scheme. If you can help in anyway get in touch with the Classic car Loan project

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