350/400 - 19 Tyres

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3.50/4.00 - 19

16 Items

    350/400 - 19 Vintage Tyres

  1. 350/400 - 19 Inner Tubes

16 Items


What is the best 350/400-19 vintage tyre for my Austin 7?

Austin 7 didn’t originally fit 350/400X19 tyres. They originally fitted 3.50-19 tyres. For which we would recommend the 350-19 Longstone tyre.

What is the cheapest 350/400 – 19 tyre for my Vintage MG?

MG never fitted 350/400X19. Their vintage cars fitted either 4.00-19 or 4.50-19. For these cars there is the Longstone 4.00/4.50-19 which are perfect vintage tyres for the 1930s MG.

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