Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Tyres

Ferrari 330 GT 2+2
Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Tyres
- The Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 fitted a Borrani RW3801 as standard, however other wheels may have been fitted to some Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 cars due to Ferrari providing the option of specifying different wheels, we can check with Ferrari if this is the case.
- The tyre for a Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 is the 205 WR 15 PIRELLI CINTURATO CN72 for both high performance and period looks.
- This is the tyre that Ferrari chose to fit to this car which is still manufactured today by PIRELLI, one of the world's best tyre manufacturers.
- Ferrari cars of the mid '70s fitted tyres of the size 215/70 WR 15 PIRELLI CINTURATO CN12 they are very similar in size to a 205VR15, so they are another option for a 2+2 Ferrari 330 GT.
- The other option would be the 215/70 WR 15 Michelin XWX.
- The Michelin 15/17H is the ideal innertube for these tyres. If you have wire wheels fitted innertubes must be used.
Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Tyres Explained
Ferrari 330 GT 2+2
The picture below shows the 205VR15 CN72 CINTURATO ™; HS tyre that PIRELLI put into production in 1964, which was original equipment for the Ferrari 330 GT 2+2. On either side of this tyre are more modern 70% profile tyre sizes that are often fitted by mistake. On the left is a 205/70VR15, which is far too small in diameter, and on the right is a 215/70VR15 which is closer in dimensions and would also be a good tyre for the Ferrari 330 GT 2+2. Some cars that fitted the 205VR15 CINTURATO ™; changed to the 215/70VR15 tyre when the low profile tyre was developed at the beginning of the 1970s.
Borrani Wire Wheels
Borrani wheels are still available for your Ferrari 330 GT 2+2. As agents for the iconic Ruote Borrani Milano company we are able to supply all wheels from their extensive range.
If your Borrani wheels require rebuilding then please contact us at [email protected]
Wheels made by Ruote Borrani Milano are, without doubt, the best wire wheels available. Borrani wheels utilise aluminium rims, steel spokes and steel wheel centres.
Click the link for Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Borrani wheels.
Wheels made by Borrani are available in the following styles:
- Painted silver finish, as per the racing wheels of the period
- Polished and chrome finish, highly polished rim, chrome spokes & wheel centre
- Painted finish with polished outer edge
330 GT Ferrari Borrani Wheel with XWX Michelin