Vauxhall 12HP Tyres

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Vauxhall 12-6 1933–1938

  • Longstone's recommendation for the Vauxhall 12-6 is the 5.50 x 16 Avon Tourist.
  • Vauxhall 12-6 wheels fitted innertubes. The ideal tube for tyres of this size is the Michelin 16E.

Vauxhall 12HP 1938–1939

  • The Vauxhall 12HP fitted 550 - 16 Tyres, and the recommended cross ply in this size is the 5.50 x 16 Avon Tourist.
  • Many old car owners like to fit a radial tyre for improved handling and better performance on modern roads.
  • Our recommended radial tyre is the 5.50 R 16 Michelin X.
  • The 12HP fitted innertubes, and the ideal tube for these tyres is the Michelin 16E innertube.
Vauxhall Light Six 14 HP Coupe. Body by Holdens

Vauxhall Light Six 14 HP Coupe. Body by Holdens

Vauxhall 14HP 1936–1938

  • The Vauxhall 14HP fitted 550 - 16 Tyres, and Longstone's recommended tyre in the size is the 5.50 x 16 Avon Tourist.
  • The ideal innertube for these tyres is the Michelin 16E innertube, tubes must be fitted to 14HP wheels.

Vauxhall 14-6 1939–1948

  • Longstone's recommendation for the Vauxhall 14-6 is the 5.50 x 16 Avon Tourist.
  • 14-6 wheels require innertubes to function. The ideal tube for these tyres is the Michelin 16E innertube.

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    Vauxhall 12HP Recommended Tyres

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History of the Vauxhall 12HP

The introduction of the Vauxhall 10-Four at the London Automobile Show in October 1937 was a watershed moment in the motor industry. No manufacturer in the world could equal the 10-Four specification at the price, and it was a major sales success for Vauxhall from the outset. What was not well known outside of Vauxhall was that it was the initial step in an ambitious plan to fully revamp the remainder of the company's vehicle lineup using the unitary construction approach pioneered by the Vauxhall 10-Four. The plan was supposed to be completed in late 1940, and it would have been war hadn't broken out, but the second phase – the Vauxhall 12-Four – was launched on time in September 1938.

For several years, Vauxhall had successfully represented the 12hp class with lesser power variants of the Light Six. The automobiles, which featured 6-cylinder engines and a somewhat hefty body installed on a separate chassis, had shown to be dependable, strong, and traditionally designed, which appealed to what purchasers sought at the price.

Contrary to common belief, the "I" designation for the 12-Four was not an abbreviation for "Integral" construction; rather, it was the next alphabetic character following the "H" used for the 10-Four. The same 3-speed gearbox from the 10-Four was utilised, with synchromesh on 2nd and 3rd, and although the identical design, the rear axle ratio was 4.71:1 against 5.14:1 for the smaller car.

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